
Trade names

Noordzij Partners, handelsnamen

A company name is the name under which a company operates. Company name protection has a limited character and it can be seen as a local right within the territory in which the company name is used. On the other hand, trademark protection automatically extends to the whole area in which protection is obtained. Of course, a trademark right provides much broader protection than the mere use of a company name. Therefore, register your company name as a trademark as well. Noordzij Partners will happily assist you in the field of trade names.

For more information, please contact one of our specialists at telephone number +31 (0)20 305 02 20 or send us an e-mail at

Visiting address

Paulus Potterstraat 20
1071 DA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Postal address

Postbus 76842
1070 KC Amsterdam
The Netherlands